Short term
Emergency shelter
New Hope Midcoast provides emergency sheltering services for survivors, with stays ranging from a few days to a few months. If you are seeking safety from an abusive partner or family member, we can help you fill out housing applications for which you may be eligible.
Long term
Transitional housing options
New Hope Midcoast offers transitional housing and rapid re-housing assistance. These transitional housing units provide stays for approximately two years. Throughout their stay, survivors and families work with case managers to achieve long term safety and stability. This ongoing support can make a real difference for many individuals.
One survivor, Patty (not her real name), decided to apply for Transitional Housing and was accepted after a short wait. New Hope Midcoast helped her move and purchase necessary household items. While in transitional housing, Patty enrolled in adult education classes, reconnected with her therapist, stopped smoking, attended scheduled medical appointments, and even adopted a kitten. Eventually, Patty was able to move into permanent housing and continue her journey toward independence and stability.
Transitional Housing: Fixed Site Model
New Hope partners with Community Housing of Maine to offer temporary housing to families or individuals in Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo Counties. Families stay in these units for two years and then work with their advocate to secure permanent housing elsewhere using a voucher if they need one. During their time in the program, survivors can receive services like case management and legal advocacy from New Hope and participate in one of our support groups.
Transitional Housing: Scattered Site Model
In this model, New Hope helps families or individuals with rental assistance and case management for two years. New Hope does not own any housing, but for those who are eligible, we would pay rent for up to two years. During that time, survivors can receive other services from New Hope including case management legal advocacy, Child Protective Services advocacy, and also participate in one of our support groups. New Hope case managers will also help survivors apply for a permanent housing voucher which can help subsidize the rent after New Hope’s financial assistance ends.
Rapid Re-Housing
Thanks to a generous grant fromContinuum of Care, New Hope can provide rapid re-housing assistance to six families or individuals at a time. The goal of this model is to offer temporary housing until survivors and families can find a more permanent solution. Once someone finds their own housing, New Hope may be able to continue to help pay for rent for a limited time until other arrangements can be made. Typically, New Hope will assist with rent for 3-6 months but could extend that assistance for up to twelve months.
If you would like to talk to someone about any of these programs, please contact a member of our residential team at 207-594-2128. We would be glad to explain the details to you and walk you through the application process.
Support Overview
We recognize that victim-survivors need support as they move through their journey.
New Hope Midcoast offers the following assistance:
New Hope Midcoast Locations
We offer 3 onsite locations serving Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo counties in Maine.
New Hope Midcoast
P.O. Box A, Rockland, Maine 04841
24/7 Helpline Midcoast Maine 1-800-522-3304
24/7 Statewide Helpline